Diana Torteya – Salutatorian – Saint Joseph Academy Class of 2016
University: Washington University in St. Louis
Fondest memory: I remember going to MicroSociety every Wednesday and having student council meetings to start it off. Afterwards we could walk around and go the store and the restaurant. I also remember we always had a lot of fun getting ready for the spring festivals. I think elementary was very important to me because that’s where I realized learning was fun.
I remember Montessori education was very different from the teaching style at St. Joe. At Kenmont collaboration was very important and helping each other whenever necessary. In St. Joe, we learned more by ourselves and we didn’t interact as much with each other while studying.
Yawar Ali – Salutatorian – Med High Class of 2016
University: UT Dallas (UT PACT BA/MD Program with UT Southwestern Medical School)
Fondest memory: The sixth grade play was definitely my favorite memory from my Kenmont experience. Playing the main character of the play, the Emperor, was an awesome opportunity that helped develop my confidence when performing in front of others.
The Montessori experience was definitely something that stimulated and strengthened my thirst for knowledge. Receiving instruction from teachers and then being able to interact with my classmates so I can develop my skills was pretty great.
Brenda Torteya – Valedictorian – Saint Joseph Academy Class of 2016
University: Washington University in St. Louis
Fondest memory: Meeting my friends. Most of my best friends are the ones I met at this school. We shared a lot of experiences unique to Kenmont such as Field Day, United Nations and MicroSociety.
Elementary years are very important to my formation because this is where I realized I had a passion for reading and math. My love for learning developed in my elementary years.
The Montessori teaching style was very different, and I feel like I would be different had I not experienced it. We are encouraged to think differently and express ourselves.
Niroshan Anandasivam – Valedictorian – Science Academy of South Texas
University – Princeton University
Fondest memory of Kenmont: I really enjoyed participating in the activities that weren’t part of the traditional classroom experience. Events like the Fine Arts extravaganza Michael Jackson and Van Gogh and MicroSociety days are really what set Kenmont apart and made it special for me. I remember I worked as an editor for the newspaper one year, and as a bank teller the next. Even six years later, I still appreciate all these amazing extracurricular opportunities Kenmont offered.
Teaching style: The Montessori style of education is definitely very different from more traditional methods of schooling. The Montessori method emphasizes learning independently and at your own pace. These values really helped make my elementary education at Kenmont as productive as possible.