The project groups are exciting year long learning experiences. Students work collaboratively with peers, mentors, and teachers as they research and work on their project. Students are expected to meet the goals of the project assigned. To ensure the student gets the most out of their project, they are matched according to their interests, hobbies, and goals.
The three projects offered are:
Art Alive
This project group explores the lives, passions and realities of being an artist. Students are exposed to different art mediums such as photography, sculpture. drawing and painting. The student will develop a firm understanding of art and those who create it. This project group will focus on a specific form of art every nine weeks. At the end of each concentration, students will create a personal piece of art reflecting their own passion.
Introduction to Engineering
Introduction to Engineering with Robotics is a hands-on, cross-curricular STEMS solution that engages students by providing the resources to design, build, and program their creations while helping them develop essential skills such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
Montessori Model United Nations
This project group explores issues of global concern. The Montessori Model United Nations culminates project study into a two day global simulation experience at the United Nations. This enables students to learn about the operations of the United Nations and its role as the world’s largest international peacekeeping and humanitarian organization. The group spends a significant time studying the United Nations and its committees, topic/issue facing their committee, the assigned country’s background and the rules of procedure for committee sessions. Each student delegate writes a Position Paper, explaining his/her country’s stance on the issue at hand.
Students will spend one semester in two internships and one semester performing community service. Parents are expected to provide transportation for their child to their community service and internships sites. Absences due to transportation will have a negative effect on their grade.
Community Service
Community service refers to a donated service or activity performed by an individual or a group of people for the well being and benefit of the public or public institutions. KJH strives for students to be disciplined and work to contribute to a positive change. Community service is the best way to instill this sense of responsibility in them. In addition , values like honesty, humbleness, gratefulness, respect, being non-judgmental, sincerity are some of the virtues to be learned from community service. Taking care of ourselves and others is a major life lesson for everyone.
In society, people spend a large amount of their time working. Therefore, personal satisfaction will be significantly related to job satisfaction. In order to make an intelligent career decision, a person needs to know their aptitudes and interests toward certain jobs. Internships provide students an intensive look at different career paths.